
Check Ups During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Many of you may have seen that UVA is rescheduling many of its patients’ ambulatory office visits due to the COVID-19 pandemic.   At Pediatric Associates, we have a fortunate situation that is very controlled and allows us to see well visits without any waiting in completely separate locations from our sick patients.  We still feel

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Parenting Tips for COVID19

Parenting Tips for COVID-19 What to Know The evolving news about the outbreak of coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) is unsettling for us all.  It is natural that our children are also going to have questions and concerns. Take the time to talk to your children and answer their questions honestly,  Help them identify the emotions they

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Important Information Regarding COVID19

Important Information Regarding COVID19 UPDATED 7/1/2020 The safety of our patients and staff remains our main priority during this stressful time.  We will always be here for your family 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  This continues to be an evolving situation, and we will bring you updated information as it changes. PROTECTING

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Fevers in Children

During this time of cold and flu almost every family is bound to have at least one child with a fever.  Knowing what to do when your child develops a fever can be confusing as there is a lot of misinformation out there, so let’s clear that up.  The first thing to know is the

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Books for Kids with Anxiety

With all of the books that are out there it can be hard to know which of the many to pick on a certain topic.  Therefore, I have collected a number of good titles on the topic of childhood anxiety to help families out.  There are books for kids of all ages and a section

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